I can’t remember a Holiday where we had 100% attendance. Between work schedules, in-laws, boyfriends/girlfriends, travel, volunteering, etc., we always have one or two people who do not attend. However, there is an event each year, where my family will travel far and wide and clear their schedule for this one day. From my 84-year-old parents, to my one-year-old twin nephews, perfect attendance is achieved. It’s a day known as “Black Friday” for many, but in our family, we call it “Cookie Day.”

Busia & Grandpa – How It All Started

Busia and Grandpa

Cookie Day has been a tradition in my family since as long as I can remember. It is a day set aside to crank out 40 batches of cookies from morning until evening. 1,300 cookies are made by a team of 25+. The number of people varies depending upon how many friends join us that day!

Best Friends Join In!

Best friends get together to celebrate the holiday season

Our cookie-baking system has developed into a well-oiled machine that was passed down from one generation to the next. Armed with Gladware, Tupperware and Ziploc baggies, each family member arrives the morning after Thanksgiving with sleeves rolled up and ready to help. Everyone has an assignment. We have mixers, measurers, dishwashers, bakers and decorators. It is complete organized chaos.

1st Generation & 2nd Generation Cookie Bakers – Busia & Daughters

Ann Marie Frank with her sister and mother.

2nd & 3rd Generation Cookie Bakers!

Kendall Frank and her Mom make cookies for the holidays,

The day is filled with laughter and ribbing: Stories of years past when nuts were measured incorrectly; or the time when an ingredient was left out when “someone” wasn’t paying attention and excuses how it wasn’t their fault. That “someone” varies year to year. And there is ALWAYS at least one tray that gets burned because a timer was forgotten (and this year was no exception). That batch is constantly offered (very sweetly) to another family member to bring home.

The best part of this day is that EVERYONE can participate. The older grandkids help their baby cousins. It’s so much fun to see the little ones piling on the sprinkles! Siblings help each other. And Busia and Grandpa just enjoy this special day with this family they created together.

The Baby Cousins

Baby cousins

Everyone loves to make press cookies!

Pressing cookies for the holidays.

Everyone helps on Cookie Day from the youngest… (Cutest Helper Ever!)

Cute Cookie Bakers

…to Teens & Tweens…

Teens and Tweens make cookies!

…to Even Grandpa!

Grandpa helps us make cookies.

In fact, everyone is a baker on Cookie Day!

Everyone is a baker today!

Everyone leaves that evening with bellies stuffed from Thanksgiving leftovers and cookie dough – and containers filled with their favorite cookies under their arms!

It is definitely my family’s favorite day of the year!

Who doesn’t love cookie dough?

Everyone loves cookie dough!

This Year’s 2013 Cookie Crew!

2013 Cookie Crew!

I wish you and your family a lovely Holiday Season. Making memories is an AMAzing gift you can give your family.

I am very grateful to my parents for not only making memories for my siblings and me, but allowing us to pass down this fun (and delicious!) tradition to our own children!

Throwback Cookie Day 40 Years Ago, 1973!
Me, My Sister (Chris) & My Brother (Dan)!

Vintage Ann Marie and family! Happy Cookie Day!


Warmly, Ann Marie


A passion for creating great memories at home and at work! Learn more about AMA’s Director Ann Marie Frank here in this bio.


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