Several years back, my life was not going in the direction I had always thought it would. I worked three jobs and still could not pay my bills. With three young children to support, I wanted more for them. But, since I put myself mentally into the category of “Poor single mom that couldn’t catch a break,” the Pity Party was a rockin’. I was waiting for something good to happen to me. I was hoping for something good to happen. And guess what? I worked more hours and became more miserable.

I soon realized that if things were going to change for me, I had to do it. But, how?

  • Well, the first thing that had to go was the Pity Party and everything with it. So, the drinking stopped. It’s expensive and stupid (for me anyway). The second thing I did was open a small business that took a good seven years to get off the ground. I worked around the word “no” and thought outside the box more than inside.
  • I asked for help from friends. Mostly just support emotionally. I always thought admitting you were struggling was a weakness. You learn a lot about problem solving when you talk to people.
  • I got some new friends and shied away from the people in my life that brought me down. I was drawn to people who are positive and upbeat.
  • I started networking with people in my field.

I even entered a contest for most improved studio across North America. First place was a new car! I had heard about it and told Kendall that one day we were going to win that contest.

We couldn’t even fathom entering it for the first two years I had heard about it, because everything I tried failed! But, I was relentless! I was focused because I knew if we won, we could use the money for college (instead of taking the car). And after four years of working REALLY hard, networking and learning as much as I could about the studio business, we did enter the contest. And guess what? WE won 1st Place! And I say “we” because it wouldn’t have happened without the help of my kids. Kendall spoke with me in the contest. Jessie helped me network. And Conrad was understanding enough to know that I would miss things at school that other parents went to because I was building my business.

We won a car!

February 18, 2012

The day we won the car was AMAzing in every way. And to share that experience with my children, well… let’s just say this was VERY different from the life I had and the person I was 12 years ago!

I have learned that if I want something, with careful planning I can make it happen. When I see an opportunity, I have to at least try and grab it! Even if I only catch part of it, it still benefits me.

One last story about opportunity… it’s super fun!

My sister and I were going to see Pink at the Allstate Arena. She texted me THAT DAY at noon to say we would be standing right at the stage. So, right away, the wheels start turning in my head… How can I get Pink to come to ME when there will be 300 people for her to choose from to talk to? I was determined to get her attention.

So, I came up with a plan:

  • I ran home and made a sign.
  • The sign would get her to come directly to me.
  • I was then going to give her one of our AMA “I am AMAzing” t-shirts
  • I was going to ask her to sign my ticket.

With my sign tucked under my arm (I made it foldable, so it was easy to carry. It would be poster-size when I opened it!), I told my sister of my plan when I got to her house. I could seriously SEE it happening in my mind! My sister was razzing me that no way was Pink going to come by me.

Pink sings a song called Sober. I happened to stop drinking 12 years almost to the day of this concert. So, I held up a sign that said “12 years SOBER.” She ran right over to me and said, “Congratulations!” Pink took the AMA t-shirt that I handed up to her and asked me if I wanted her to sign it. She read the t-shirt and told me I was amazing! And when I asked her to sign my ticket, she said “Sure, I’ll sign it.” I was thrilled out of my mind! OMG!!

Want to see that moment? You can! We have it on video!

Every day, we have a choice. Wait or Make. It’s a lot more work to be a Maker, that is for sure, but it’s a lot more fun too!


Warmly, Ann Marie


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