Every year, we resolve to be more fit, make more money, keep in touch with friends more frequently, focus more on work… All the things that we need to live that better life. Resolutions are nothing without the next step: Solutions. If we find the pieces that fit our own puzzle of life, then we will evolve into that better life. And that is the goal: To live better and in BE happy. No one will deliver the puzzle pieces of your life to your door. It is us up to each of us individually to find the pieces, or maybe even create them. For only we know what truly makes us happy.

I can say with certainly that 2012 was one of the best years of my life (thus far). However, 2013 was not. So, as I write this and analyze what I did different in between those 2 years, I want to share that simple realization with you. I did something extremely effective in 2012 that I did not do in 2013.

I created a goal list. I typed up a 3-page list of goals I wanted to accomplish in 5 categories:

  1. Personal
  2. Time Wealth
  3. Family
  4. Work
  5. Financial

Before I go on, I want to mention that I had heard of other successful people making these sorts of lists and I thought the list thing was the dumbest thing ever. Well, you live and you learn. As I look back, it was definitely the single most successful tool I have used to achieve things I never thought I could.

The list was extremely detailed (even color coded). I spent a few hours of time creating it and every 3 months, I updated it. I would check off what was completed and gave written updates as to how I was going to work on the items that were left. I kid you not, 2012 was truly an amazing year for me, my family, and my business. I won a car, traveled to 14 states, 3 countries, strengthened friendships and created more time with my kids than I had in the previous several years! These were the things I put on my list and they happened!

I ended the year writing notes on the list about the unexpected obstacles that came up (and there were several serious ones), and still it was the best year of my life.

I figured since I was so successful in reaching my goals in 2012, I could just “wing” my goals in 2013. Big mistake. I cannot tell you one thing about 2013 that went really well. I can tell you about some obstacles, but I cannot think of something so great that I would consider it success. You know why? I didn’t write it down. I didn’t focus or plan it out. And I just don’t remember.

I just reread the list from 2012 and can’t help but smile as I recall that year. This list gives me a sense of accomplishment like no other. But more than the accomplishment, I am encouraged to go out there and be the best I can be, while continuing to achieve whatever it is I can. Without this list, I would have forgotten. And we can’t do that. We need to remember the good things we accomplish and the not-so-good things that happen because that is what motivates us. We can see that life is traveled piece by piece.

And you know what the best part about list-making is? It’s FREE! You don’t have to buy a DVD, a book or go to a $1,500 seminar. You don’t even have to leave your couch! Just write the stuff down. I like to type it on my laptop, so I can edit it at any time and see my progress.

Seems pretty simple. And I am most certainly ready for my most successful year ever. So, no “winging” the goals in 2014. In the next two days, I will be cranking out the list to my most successful year! I will let you know how it goes!

Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Ann Marie and family.



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